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Character Traits

One focus area in the Rainbow District School Board is character education. The role of the school is to encourage and nurture the development of such positive character traits as: respect, honesty, friendship, cooperation, fairness, responsibility, kindness, trustworthiness, helpfulness, tolerance, punctuality, loyalty, patience, diligence, dependability and perseverance in all students here at Central Manitoulin Public School. while the school will encourage students to develop all the preceding character traits, several have been selected to be focal points over specific periods of the school year. They are:

September – Respect
October – Co-operation
November – Acceptance
December – Empathy
January – Courage
February – Integrity
March – Honesty
April – Responsibility
May – Courtesy
June – Resilience

School Day

Entry – 8:45 am
Nutrition Break #1 – 10:50 to 11:30 am
Nutrition Break #2 – 1:00 to 1:40 pm
Dismissal – 3:10 pm

Educational Links
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8

Rainbow School Programs

For more information on Rainbow Schools programs, please reference the links below.

Kindergarten and the Early Learning Program
Special Education
Message for Parents/Guardian
Programs and Services
The Special Education Team
Glossary, Categories and Definitions
Web Links
Student Success
Nine Essential Skills